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Interior Woodstain Varnish

Wood Floor Varnish – Also For Joinery, Doors, Furniture & Panelling - Natural, Organic & Eco-Friendly

While some homeowners still prefer carpets, more and more people find themselves preferring the smooth, attractive finish you can only get with a wooden floor. Of course, the finish itself is entirely dependent upon which wood floor varnish you choose to use. Our wood stain varnish is not only perfect for floors, but also an interior wooden surface made from cork, plywood or others. It is also great to use on joinery, doors, furniture & panelling.

Wood Stain Floor Varnish – Completely Free From Solvents & VOCs

Our wood floor varnish is extremely popular. Not only because of the quality of the finish it provides, but also because our range is the only range in the world that is 100% free from the solvents and volatile organic compounds that often make you feel ill when the varnish is applied or drying. This means that even if the home is habited, everyone will be safe.