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Antislip Paint

Non Slip Floor Paint For Office, Garages & Light Industrial – Natural, Organic & Eco-Friendly Paint For Floors

In offices, garages and in light industrial locations, a non slip floor paint can be vital for keeping people safe when they walk around. It is also excellent at resisting any petrol, oil or acid based substance that is dropped onto it. This non slip floor paint also retains its ability to maintain friction when it becomes wet, making it easy to wash on a regular basis.

Lakeland Non Slip Floor Paint – Free From Solvents & VOCs

As many are aware, when you are painting inside, you may start to feel a little unwell from the fumes and the odour. With Lakeland, however, our non slip floor paint is independently tested to prove that it is 100% free from both solvents and volatile organic compounds. This means that it can safely be applied and left to dry no matter where it is used.