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Air Purifying Matt Microporous

Air Purifying Paint

Many people are aware that when they visit a different house, it can often have a different scent to your own. This is because every household is different based on who lives there, what they cook, and what they do, as well as the pollutants that enter the home. Lakeland's air purifying paint is an advanced non-toxic wall paint that incorporates a zeolite silicate-based air filter into its formulation. Available in all 180 colours, this air purifying paint is capable of cleaning the air in your home for up to five years before a new coat is needed.

Air Purifying Paint That Is 100% VOC free & Solvent Free

Painting internal walls for a long period of time will often leave you with a headache unless you are in a well-ventilated area. Luckily, the old feeling of nausea from paint fumes are a thing of the past with Lakeland. Not only is our paint free from solvents, VOCs and other nasty chemicals, but it is completely non-toxic, meaning that you can paint while the family are around without worrying about their health.